Monday, January 11, 2010

Send your socks

"Hi, maria, I forgot to ask you if you left 3 pairs of socks home. I'll send them to you if you did. Love, Mom".

Really? I mean, really? What kind of email is this?
Is it that significant that my mom thinks its an urgent matter that she needs to email me, not only to ask if I left my socks at home, but she will overnight them the next day?

I am perfectly capable of buying new socks. I think I saw a special at Target the other day.

But what is it about our parents' need to constantly baby us even when we are older?

And for that matter, what kind of influence does our parents, our family, the people we surround ourselves with, have that kind of influence over our everyday lives?

What about the major decisions in our life? I am lucky that I have a family that cares about me however there comes a point when I will ever be viewed as a full adult or always their little girl.